Download images of our products, data sheets and our logo easily and quickly. Please also note our instructions on the use of our photos and graphics.
If you are looking for specific image material that is not available for download here, please feel free to contact us and we will try to assist you.
Downloads: Product pictures GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH
You can download our product images each in a high resolution (for print) or in a low resolution (for use on the Internet). Please note the copyright information for the use of our image material.
Radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident
Electronic personal dosemeter GRAETZ GPD150G
Electronic personal alarm dosemeter GRAETZ ED150
Dose Rate Meter GRAETZ GammaTwin & GammaTwin S
Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW
Dose rate measuring system GRAETZ X5C plus
Gamma radiation warning light GRAETZ GammaFlash
Dose rate alarm unit GRAETZ GammaTest C
Dose rate alarm lamp GRAETZ GWL10m
Portable contamination monitor GRAETZ CoMo-170 & CoMo-170 ZS
GRAETZ Telescope Probe DE
Area monitors GRAETZ WS05C
Measuring kit GRAETZ GW-G
GRAETZ probe program
GRAETZ Probe 18509 EN
GRAETZ probe 18526 EN
GRAETZ probe 18529 EN
GRAETZ probe 18545 EN
GRAETZ probe 18550 EN
Downloads: Application pictures “FIREBRIGADE” GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH
You can download our application images in a small resolution (for use on the Internet). Please note the copyright information for the use of our image material. If you need a specific image in a printable resolution, please contact us.
Application pictures GRAETZ products with fire brigade
Downloads: Product data sheets GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH
You can download all product data sheets of our current products as PDF files in a ZIP archive here. If you only need specific data sheets, you will find a download option on the product page of the specific device in each case.
Download: Logo GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH
You can download our logo here in a high resolution (for print) or in a low resolution (for use on the Internet).
Logo GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH
Notes on the use of our image material
All photos and graphics that you can download from our site are protected by copyright. The copyright is owned by GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please ask us if you would like to use our photos and graphics.
If you are a customer of GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH, you may use our product and application images for sales and marketing. Please note that the photographic material may not be altered, retouched or placed in a context that does not serve the purpose of distribution.
When using our photographic material in print products and on the Internet, the copyright notice must be displayed as follows:
Photo: GRAETZ Strahlungsmeßtechnik GmbH
Content published under the “Creative Commons” license, is identified as such. They may be used in accordance with the specified license terms.
Anyone who infringes copyright (e.g. copies images or texts without permission) is liable to prosecution under §§ 106 et seq. of the German Copyright Act (UrhG ), is also liable to a warning and must pay damages(§ 97 UrhG).