Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW

The dose rate measurement system GRAETZ X5C FW was modified in cooperation with the Hamburg Fire Department and has an official approval for the fire department. The GRAETZ X5C FW has a dose display as well as a warning function for personal radiation protection when handling ionizing radiation. The measuring system is also equipped with an RS-232 interface and an interface for connecting external probes.

Product Highlights

Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW

Electronic dose rate measuring system in compact and robust design

Approval for use by fire departments

Extension of the measuring range by interface for external probes

Warning thresholds tailored for use by fire departments

Approval for use by fire departments

Configuration of warning thresholds, readout and export of stored measured values and locking/unlocking of menu items possible with optionally available PC software

Dust and splash protection as well as protection against short-term immersion in water (protection class IP67)

  • Dose rate meter for measuring gamma and X-ray radiation for the measurand Ḣ*(10) ambient dose equivalent rate.
  • Detector: Energy-compensated Geiger-Müller counter tube
  • Large digital measured value display on LC display (illuminable)
  • Optional dose rate or dose display with integration time
  • Additional quasi-analog display of dose rate (3.5 decades, logarithmic bar display)
  • Display of the dose rate peak value and the dose rate mean value
  • 4 freely programmable dose and dose rate warning thresholds
  • Warning thresholds adapted for use by fire departments
  • Automatic and manual storage of measured values together with date and time
  • Dwell time/residual time determination
  • Switchable acoustic single pulse detection
  • Menu-driven operator guidance
  • Release of the menu items for the device settings only possible with the aid of optionally available PC software
  • Storage of the set parameters even when the device is switched off or the battery is changed
  • High reliability due to test function and continuous self-monitoring
  • Metallized plastic housing, well decontaminable, protection class IP67
  • RS-232 interface
  • Can be combined directly or via probe cable with various probes (see GRAETZ probe program):
    • Measuring range extension up to 10 Sv/h
    • For the detection of α-, β- and γ-radiation
    • For fluid testing
    • For measurements in hard-to-reach places
    • DE telescopic probe for measurements from a safe distance
    • Scintillation probe 2002 for measuring low dose rates
  • Using the probes of the GRAETZ “C” program


Optionally available:

  • PC software for configuring the warning thresholds, reading out and exporting the stored measured values and locking/unlocking menu items
  • Car charging cradle
Display ranges Dose 0.01 µSv ≤ H*(10) ≤ 10 Sv
Dose rate 0 nSv/h ≤ Ḣ*(10) ≤ 19.99 mSv/h
Measuring ranges Dose 200 µSv ≤ H*(10) ≤ 5 Sv
Dose rate 1 µSv/h ≤ Ḣ*(10) ≤ 19.99 mSv/h
Energy sector 40 keV – 1.3 MeV
Protection class IP67
Dimension approx. 152 × 82 × 39 mm
Weight (incl. batteries) approx. 385 g

For detailed technical data, please refer to our product data sheet for this article. Click here to download.

Quick guide (Video)

Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW

Quick guide: Software tool

Application areas

Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW





Research & Education


Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW

Technical data sheet

Download the technical data sheet for this product in PDF format now.

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GRAETZ probe program

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GRAETZ Telescope Probe DE

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Dose rate meter GRAETZ X5C FW

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