High-efficiency radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident

The GRAETZ RadXplore-ident is an ultra-compact, robust and sensitive radionuclide identifier (RID) that features a wide energy range, high throughput and excellent stability with outstanding application capabilities.

Product Highlights

High-efficiency radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident

Most efficient and compact radionuclide identifier on the market

Easy to use due to intuitive user guidance

High connectivity and documentation capabilities through interfaces and smartphone app

Dose rate of almost all radionuclides can be measured due to a very large energy range (10 keV to 1 GeV)

Very high gamma sensitivity of 1,850 cps/µSv/h (Cs-137)

Innovative and patented stabilization (Pat. US 9,864,076) based on measurement of the photoelectric quantum effect: no built-in radioactive source or LED required; gain variations are instantly and automatically compensated for

Ultra-compact design, one-handed operation and waterproof up to 10 meters (protection class IP68)

Detect, measure, localize and identify: GRAETZ RadXplore-ident

Versatile and precise

The RadXplore-ident is designed to detect gamma, beta, neutron and cosmic radiation from natural and man-made sources, identify special nuclear, industrial, medical and natural radioactive sources, and measure X-ray and gamma radiation exposure.

During the development of the device, which is powered by a Li-Ion battery, great emphasis was placed on convenient handling as well as a high degree of user-friendliness. The result is a housing shape and weight that makes the RadXplore-ident highly ergonomic and unique: compact and operable with one hand. This is because, for the first time, it has been possible to combine a 2″ x 1″ BGO (bismuth germanate) detector with high-precision, high-speed digital electronics in an ergonomic, lightweight and waterproof aluminum housing that can be operated with one hand. The RadXplore-ident convinces in use on land, on water and even under water up to 10 meters diving depth.

Convincing stability in every application situation

The novel patented stabilization of the RadXplore-ident is based on the measurement of the quantum photoelectric effect. It requires no built-in source or LED and instantly and automatically compensates for any gain variations due to hysteresis and temperature changes.

The main advantages of this method are:

  • No internal stabilization source “blinds” the instrument
  • No faulty LED can affect the stabilization
  • Excellent stability in any situation

With the highest precision, the RadXplore-ident thus offers consistent performance under all conditions and environments, reduces false alarms and shortens decision-making processes in the field.

Detect, measure, localize and identify

Especially for missions with unknown risks, the wide measurement range (10 keVee to 1 GeVee) as well as the dose rate measurement (up to 100 mSv/h) is a convincing advantage. The sophisticated analog and digital electronics make it possible to measure a wide gamma dose rate range and neutrons with only one BGO crystal.

Low radiation levels can be detected earlier, faster and with higher accuracy than with comparable handheld devices. Stronger radiation sources are analyzed and identified even at high input rates. With the Rapid-Finder function, radiation sources can be found, localized and then quickly identified. For example, a radiation source with an activity of 37 kBq Cs-137 is identified within 13 seconds.

Simple and intuitive

The high-resolution and bright display ensures trouble-free operation in bright sunlight as well as in the dark. During development, particular attention was paid to a proven operating concept and a user-friendly user interface with the display of essential information.

This results in simple and intuitive handling for the one-hand measuring device. The individual modes can be started very quickly. The visualization is colorful and self-explanatory. Even when the RadXplore-ident is upside down, it is easy to use because the user interface automatically rotates the various elements.

Connectivity and documentation

All measurements are stored on the internal memory of the device (32 GB storage capacity) and can be easily transferred without special software. Its numerous interfaces and built-in web interface enable easy remote data transmission as well as secure remote maintenance and remote control of the device. For example, not only can the current display be seen in the command vehicle, but the device can also be operated or configured.

The digital user manual is an integral part of the web interface and is therefore always available and always up to date.

  • 2″ x 1″ BGO (Bi4Ge3O12) detector with superior efficiency
  • Improved overall robustness with non-hygroscopic BGO detector
  • Novel sourceless gain stabilization (Pat. US 9,864,076).
  • High dose rate capability and neutron detection with one detector
  • Nuclide identification at up to 1 million Ip/s
  • Directional radiation detection 
  • Easy system integration through HTTP REST interface & universal API
  • N42.42 data format for simple remote data transmission
  • Remote control and configuration via web interface or app
  • Nuclide library (> 70 nuclides) exceeds IEC-62755 and ANSI-42.34 requirements
Energy range (gamma) 10 keVee – 1 GeVee
Dose rate range (Cs-137) 10 nSv/h – 10 mSv/h (1 μrem/h – 1 rem/h) ±30 %.
Dose rate range ID mode (Cs-137) 10 nSv/h – 200 μSv/h (1 μrem/h – 20 mrem/h)
Dose rate overload range (Cs-137) 0.2 mSv/h – 500 mSv/h (0.02 rem/h – 50 rem/h)
Maximum input count rate in ID mode
1 million cps (Cs-137)
Gamma sensitivity
1,850 cps/μSv/h (Cs-137)
Neutrons According to ANSI 42.34
Switch-on time
Ready for operation in less than one minute
Identification time
Identification of 1 μCi Cs-137 in 13 s.
Real-time linearization of gamma energy
User interface update frequency
0.5 s
Nuclide Library
> 70 nuclides (exceeds IEC 62755, ANSI 42.34)

For detailed technical data, please refer to our product data sheet for this article. Click here to download.

Quick guide (video)

High-efficiency radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident

Application areas

High-efficiency radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident



Research & Education


High-efficiency radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident

Technical data sheet

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High-efficiency radionuclide identifier GRAETZ RadXplore-ident

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