Probe program

The GRAETZ probe program consists of calibratable gamma probes for the equivalent dose rate Ḣ*(10) and pulse probes for extending the measuring range of the dose rate meters from the GRAETZ-X5C series as well as the GammTwin S. Measuring probes are particularly suitable for use in poorly accessible measuring locations or for measurements from a safe distance. Here you get an overview of the different measuring probes from the GRAETZ probe program.

Product Highlights

Probe program

Can be connected directly or via a probe cable up to 100 m long to the basic instrument; in calibratable use up to 30 m

Automatic display of the types of radiation that can be detected with the probe on the basic unit

Automatic probe detection by the basic unit

For measurements in poorly accessible measuring locations

Calibratable gamma probes

for dose rate meters from the GRAETZ-X5C series

  • Automatic adoption of the probe-specific calibration factor by the basic unit

  • Calibratable gamma probes can be individually calibrated independently of the basic instrument

  • Underwater measurements up to 30 m depth with optional pressurized water protection housing

  • Temperature range: -30 °C to +60 °C

  • Measured variable: H*(10)

Overview GRAETZ gamma probes, calibratable

Type Energy sector Measuring range
18509 CE 55 keV – 1.3 MeV

50 μSv/h – 1 Sv/h

18529 CE

70 keV – 3 MeV

0.5 mSv/h – 10 Sv/h

18545 CE

40 keV – 1.3 MeV

150 nSv/h – 200 μSv/h

18550 CE

40 keV – 1.3 MeV

10 μSv/h – 20 mSv/h

For detailed technical data, please refer to our product data sheet for this article. Click here to download.

Impulse probes

for dose rate meters from the GRAETZ X5C series and GammaTwin S

  • Probes for α-, β- and γ-contaminations
  • High sensitivity scintillation probe for β-/γ-detection
  • Immersion probe for measurements in liquids
  • Display range on basic unit 0 – 20 kImp/s
  • Corresponding to the dose rate measurement with the gamma probes, a pulse rate measurement is carried out here with the basic unit, instead of dose measurement a summation of the pulses is carried out
  • Instead of the four dose and dose rate warning thresholds, one pulse or pulse rate warning can be set for the basic unit in each case
Overview GRAETZ gamma probes, calibratable

Type Radiation type Detector

18526 D

α, β, γ

GM counter tube; effective area 6.1 cm2

Immersion probe

β, γ

GM counter tube; effective length 150 mm

Contamination probe ABG170

α, β, γ

Plastic scintillator; effective area 170 cm2

NaI scintillation probe 2002

β, γ

NaI(Tl) scintillator; effective volume 70x70x13 mm

For detailed technical data, please refer to our product data sheet for this article. Click here to download.

Application areas

Probe program





Research & Education


Probe program

Technical data sheet

Download the technical data sheet for this product in PDF format now.

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