GRAETZ CE-Telescope

With the GRAETZ CE-Telescope, measurements of dose rates & pulse rates can be performed from a safe distance. Even measuring locations that are difficult to access can be reached more easily with the stainless steel telescope. The telescope can be equipped with a wide variety of measuring probes from GRAETZ. There is also the possibility of an easy connection with the dose rate meters of the GRAETZ-X5 series.

Product Highlights

GRAETZ CE-Telescope

Large operating radius for safe measurements

Sturdy stainless steel telescope with a robust housing

Safety through practical application of the quadratic distance law in radiation protection

Different measuring ranges selectable by plug-in probes from the GRAETZ probe program

Can be combined with the dose rate meters of the GRAETZ-X5 series

  • For measuring high dose rates/pulse rates from a safe distance
  • For measurements in poorly accessible measuring locations
  • Easy connection with the X5C plus SE and the X5C FW dose rate meters via contact row using snap-in technology
  • Safe connection of telescope and base unit without plug or cable (only via contact row)
  • Telescope made of stainless steel, continuously extendable up to 4 m total length
  • Torsion-proof connection between measuring head and electronics through internally routed ribbon cable
  • Automatic measuring range switchover
  • Display of dose rate at the operator’s location at the push of a button
  • Voltage supply from the dose rate meter
  • Energy range, measuring range, measured variable correspond to the data of the respective connected probes

Note for use by fire departments:

  • Possibility of connecting the X50ZS dose rate meter by means of a special adaptation module

Energy range, measuring range, measured variable correspond to the data of the respective connected probe.

Type Radiation Energy sector Measuring range Measured variable PTB-
Approval *
18509 C γ 55 keV – 1.3 MeV 50 μSv/h – 1 Sv/h H*(10) 23.71/05.01
18529 C γ 70 keV – 3 MeV 0.5 mSv/h – 10 Sv/h H*(10) 23.71/05.02
18545 C γ 40 keV – 1.3 MeV 150 nSv/h – 200 μSv/h H*(10) 23.71/05.03
18550 C γ 40 keV – 1.3 MeV 10 μSv/h – 20 mSv/h H*(10) 23.71/05.04
18526 D α, β, γ 0 – 20 kImp/s
Background: 25 imp/min
18559 C γ ND: 50 keV – 1.3 MeV
HD: 65 keV – 3 MeV
1.5 μSv/h – 10 Sv/h H*(10)

detailed technical data can be found in our product data sheet for this article. Click here to download.

GRAETZ telescopic adapter

optionally for a dose rate meter of the GRAETZ-X5C series or GammaTwin S

  • Simple telescope for measurement in inaccessible places
  • 3 telescope elements with a length of 1.5 m each
  • To accommodate X5C plus SE or X5C FW for dose rate and pulse measurements or GammaTwin S for pulse measurements
  • Retaining clip for holding the GRAETZ probes
  • For scrap monitoring or for detecting radioactive sources with the GRAETZ 2002 scintillation probe.
  • Spiral cable for connecting dose rate meter and probe
  • Optional accessories: case to hold dose rate meter, probe and cable

Application areas

GRAETZ CE-Telescope




GRAETZ CE-Telescope

Technical data sheet

Download the technical data sheet for this product in PDF format now.

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